CSD has organised seminars, conferences and workshops providing opportunities to national and international social science researchers, academicians and scholars to exchange views and opinions on themes of policy relevance and academic research output on various important social issues.


  1. International Conference on 'The Political Fate of Egalitarian Programmes: A Comparison between India and Brazil' In collaboration with International Centre of Advanced Studies: Metamorphoses of the Political (ICAS:MP), 19-20 March 2018.
  2. International Seminar on Agrarian Situation and Recent Rural Policies in India and China, sponsored by Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi, 16-17 September 2016
  3. International Seminar on 'Violence and its Habitations in India', 28-30 November 2013.


  1. Two-Day National Seminar on “Listening to Freedom Fighters” under Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav Funded by ICSSR, New Delhi 21-22 February 2023
  2. Seventh Annual Conference of Telangana Economic Association (TEA) Funded by Department of Planning, Government of Telangana and ICSSR, New Delhi 10-11 February 2023
  3. Two-Day National Seminars on Listening to Freedom Fighters, 21-22 February 2023 (Sponsored by ICSSR, New Delhi).
  4. 25th (Silver Jubilee) Annual Conference of Indian Political Economy Association (co-hosted), 24-25 March 2022
  5. Two-day National Conference on "Many Facets of Covid-19 Pandemic," CSD, 1-2 March 2022
  6. Researching Everyday Lives: Workshop on Ethnography, CSD, December 20-23, 2021
  7. Two-day National Seminar on "Status of Health Indicators in Telangana since, 2014-15", 25-26, November 2021
  8. Two Days National Seminar on Status of Health in Telangana Since 2014 (November 25-26, 2021)
  9. Justice AlladiKuppuswami Centenary Seminar, Alladi Family and CSD, Hyderabad, 26-27 September 2019.
  10. National Webinar on "Equity and Inclusion: New Education policy 2020", 12 August 2021
  11. One-Day Brainstorming Session on 'Financial Inclusion Through PMJDY', 23 August 2017
  12. National Seminar on Disability, Labour& Society (as part of 58th Annual Conference of Indian Society of Labour Economics, IIT, Guwahati), Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi, at IIT, Guwahati, 25 November 2016
  13. National Seminar on 'Labour Market and Issues of Adivasis' (in collaboration with SR Sankaran Chair, NIRD, Hyderabad), 22-23 January 2015
  14. National Consultation on Disabilities Legislation, 15-18 April 2014
  15. National Seminar on "The Impact of MGNREGS on Rural Development" in collaboration with Government Degree College, Gajwel, Medak district, 6-7 September 2013
  16. National Seminar on Law and Literature (In Honour of K.G. Kannabiran) in collaboration with ChityalaAilamma Centre for Interdisciplinary Research-Asmita, 12-14 February 2012
  17. National Seminar on 'Regulatory Aspects of Financial Inclusion, 23-24 August 2012
  18. National Symposium on 'Telugu Literature: Contemporary Politics And Socio-Economic Movements', 30-31 August 2012
  19. National Conference on "Social Exclusion and Rights of Persons with Disabilities", 19-20 October 2012
  20. Fourth National Bioethics Conference on "Ethical and Regulatory Challenges in Health Research", 6-8 December 2012
  21. South India Consultation Towards Preparation of IV and V Periodic NGO Alternative Report on CEDAW (in association with National Alliance of Women and Asmita), Hyderabad, 12-13 July 2011
  22. National Consultation on Women and Human Trafficking on 29 August 2011
  23. "Impoverishment Vs. Reconstruction in Development Induced Displacement: Approaches and Issues - A National Seminar to Strengthen the Policy Issues" partly supported by ICSSR, New Delhi, 18-19 February 2011
  24. Two Day National Seminar on Panchayati Raj Institutions and Empowerment of Socially Disadvantaged Groups, sponsored by Council for Social Development, New Delhi and Hyderabad, 25-26 March 2009.
  25. Two Day Development Convention 2009, partly sponsored by the ICSSR, New Delhi and ICSSR, Southern Regional Centre, Hyderabad,. Theme of the Convention : The Road Map for Optimal Inclusive Growth, 5-6 March 2009
  26. National Seminar on "Farmers' Suicides With special emphasis on the existing situation in Andhra Pradesh", sponsored by Council for Social Development, New Delhi and Hyderabad, at Hyderabad, 10-11 June 2005
  27. Seminar on Health Services Management in Hyderabad Slums (CSD),1998
  28. A National SeminaronWomen'sEmpowerment,PropertyRights,andLegislation(NORAD,New Delhi),1995.
  29. Seminar on Rural Development Schemes and Their Delivery System (Dept. of Finance & Planning, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh),1992.
  30. Conference on "A Perspective Paper on Education: A Discussion on the Rama Murthy Committee Report on National Education Policy 1986" (Indian University Association for Continuing Education), 1990
  31. Symposium on the Rights of the Child (Indian University Association for Continuing Education and UNICEF, New Delhi),1990.
  32. Seminar on Human Resource Development (CSD),1987.
  33. Seminar on Potential of Youth for National Integration (CSD),1969.


  1. Researching Everyday Lives:  Workshop on Qualitative Research, in collaboration with Indian Council of Social Science Research, SRC, Hyderabad, 10-19 March 2025.
  2. National Workshop on Open Economy Macroeconomics in Emerging Market Economies, organised by RBI Chair, Council for Social Development, Hyderabad, January 21-24, 2025.
  3. Five day Academic Writing Workshop, sponsored by Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi and Government of Telangana, December 16-20, 2024.
  4. One Day Workshop on “Including Environmental Sanitation in Sanitation Programmes: Evidence from Swachh Bharat Mission in Select Areas of Telangana, Odisha and Andhra Pradesh” on 14 March 2024, sponsored by ICSSR, New Delhi.?
  5. Academic Writing Workshop for Research Scholars in Social Sciences sponsored by ICSSR, New Delhi and Government of Telangana, November 14-18, 2023.
  6. Workshop on Sustainable Development Goals and Gender sponsored by ICSSR, New Delhi, August 2-4, 2023
  7. Workshop on Large Data Processing sponsored by ICSSR, New Delhi and CSD, Hyderabad, July 11-21, 2023
  8. Academic Writing Workshop for Research Scholars in Social Sciences, Sponsored by ICSSR, New Delhi and Department of Planning, Government of Telangana, 21 March - 1 April 2022
  9. Effects of Extreme Climate Events on Labour in Telangana: Challenges and Mitigation organised by Council for Social Development, Hyderabad and VV Giri National Labour Institute, 27-30 September 2021
  10. Capacity Building workshop for Research Scholars in Social Sciences, sponsored by Department of Planning, Government of Telangana, 4-14 August 2021
  11. Workshop on Social Development in Telangana, CSD-Core, 4-13 February 2019
  12. National Workshop on FRA Case Study Documentation, CSD-SRC &Vasundhara, Bhubaneswar, 9-10 July 2019
  13. Workshop on Qualitative Research Methods and Advanced Writing for Doctoral Scholars in Social Sciences and Humanities, Council for Social Development, Hyderabad, 22-31 March 2018.
  14. Workshop on Quantitative Techniques and Basic Econometrics, Council for Social Development, Hyderabad, May 16-30, 2016
  15. Workshop on Statistics and Basic Econometrics, Corpus Fund of Reserve Bank of India, 12-17 December 2016
  16. Workshop on Basic Quantitative Techniques for Research Scholars and Faculty Members in Social Sciences, Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi, June 01 - 11,2015
  17. One Day Workshop on Constitutional Law and Adivasi Rights forAdivasiLawyers,September 29 - October 9, 2015.
  18. State Level Capacity Building Workshop for Adivasi Youth, January 18th 2012
  19. National Workshop on "Challenges to Clinical Legal Education in Contemporary India with Special Focus on Social and Economic Rights of Adivasis." January 31 - February 1, 2012
  20. National Workshop on Tribal Question in India - Training Programme for Prime Ministers' Rural Development Fellows (conducted by TISS), 19 April 2012
  21. National Workshop on Grassroots Level Partnership for Participatory Rural Development, organized by Council for Social Development, Hyderabad on April 7 - 8,2011.
  22. "Training for Trainers Workshop" as part of a project on "Identification of Gaps in Technology Utilization and Training for the Development of Rural Women - A Study in Andhra Pradesh", November 27 - 29, 2007 at Warangal (Department of Scientific & Industrial Research, Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India)
  23. "Training for Trainers Workshop" as part of a project on "Identification of Gaps in Technology Utilization and Training for the Development of Rural Women - A Study in Andhra Pradesh", September 25 - 28, 2007 at Mahabubnagar (Department of Scientific & Industrial Research, Ministry of Science & Technology, Government ofIndia)
  24. Three Days Workshop on "Issues Relating to Project Preparation & Formulation of Programs as per CAPART Guidelines, Propagation of Rural Technologies and Maintenance of Accounts" from November 29 to December 1, 2006 (CAPART Regional Committee,Hyderabad)
  25. Regional Workshop cum Training Programme for Telangana for NGOs assisted by CAPART on "Capacity Building for NGOs on Development Strategies through Participatory Research Methodologies" from October 10 to 14, 2004 at Warangal (CAPART Regional Committee, Hyderabad).
  26. Regional Workshop cum Training Programme for Coastal Andhra for NGOs assisted by CAPART on "Capacity Building for NGOs on Development Strategies through Participatory Research Methodologies" from November 2 to 6, 2004 at Guntur (CAPART Regional Committee, Hyderabad).
  27. Regional Workshop cum Training Programme for Rayalaseema for NGOs assisted by CAPART on "Capacity Building for NGOs on Development Strategies through Participatory Research Methodologies" from November 29 to December 3, 2004 at Tirupati (CAPART Regional Committee, Hyderabad).
  28. Regional Workshop cum Training Programme for Telangana for NGOs assisted by CAPART on "Capacity Building for NGOs on Development Strategies through Participatory Research Methodologies" from August 18 to 22, 2003 at Warangal (CAPART Regional Committee, Hyderabad).
  29. Awareness Camp for Migrants of PalamurLabour at Wanaparthy, Mahabubnagar District, August 28, 2003 (CSD,Hyderabad).
  30. Regional Workshop cum Training Programme for Coastal Andhra for NGOs assisted by CAPART on "Capacity Building for NGOs on Development Strategies through Participatory Research Methodologies" from September 9 to 13, 2003 at Guntur (CAPART Regional Committee, Hyderabad).
  31. Regional Workshop cum Training Programme for Rayalaseema for NGOs assisted by CAPART on "Capacity Building for NGOs on Development Strategies through Participatory Research Methodologies" from November 24 to 28, 2003 at Anantapur (CAPART Regional Committee, Hyderabad).
  32. One Day Workshop to 30 Self Help Group Women on Successful Management of Self Help Group in KoosumanchiMandal, Khammam District in Andhra Pradesh (CSD), March 6, 2002.
  33. Workshop on Opportunity Identification, its Feasibility and Viability for Recently Formed SHG / DWCRA Groups in two districts of Andhra Pradesh at Mall, ChintapallyMandal, Nalgonda District, April 15, 2002 and at AmangalMandal, Mahbubnagar District (CSD), July 6,2002.
  34. One Day Orientation - cum - Workshop for DWCRA / SHG Members under Mutually Aided Cooperative Societies at RamayampetMandal of Medak District, Andhra Pradesh (CSD), March 18, 2002.
  35. Regional Workshop cum Training Programme for Telangana for NGOs assisted by CAPART on "Capacity Building for NGOs on Development Strategies through Participatory Research Methodologies" from October 29 to November 1, 2002 at Hyderabad (CAPART Regional Committee, Hyderabad).
  36. Regional Workshop cum Training Programme for Coastal Andhra for NGOs assisted by CAPART on "Capacity Building for NGOs on Development Strategies through Participatory Research Methodologies" from November 19 to November 22, 2002 at Visakhapatnam (CAPART Regional Committee, Hyderabad).
  37. Regional Workshop cum Training Programme for Rayalaseema for NGOs assisted by CAPART on "Capacity Building for NGOs on Development Strategies through Participatory Research Methodologies" from December 26 to December 29, 2002 at Tirupati (CAPART Regional Committee, Hyderabad).
  38. Three public hearings on Rehabilitation of Devadasis - one at Tirupatiin Andhra Pradesh on August 18, 2001, second at Belgaum in Karnataka on September 14, 2001 and third at Raichuron October 15, 2001 in Karnataka (National Commission for Women, NewDelhi).
  39. Workshop on Rehabilitation of Jogins, Bonded Labour and Persons Engaged in the Unclean Occupations (Govt. of India and Govt. of Andhra Pradesh),1990.
  40. Workshop on the Approaches to Evaluation of Hyderabad Slum Improvement Projects (Municipal Corporation of Hyderabad, Hyderabad), 1984 and 1985.
  41. Workshop on Evaluation Studies of Hyderabad Slum Improvement Project (Municipal Corporation of Hyderabad, Hyderabad),1988.
  42. Workshop on Integrated Education, Vocational Training and Job placement of the Disabled with special reference to the Blind (CSD),1982.
  43. Workshop for preparation of Materials for Non-formal Education Project(UNICEF),1972.