Sujit Kumar Mishra is an economist who has specialised in Development Economics for his doctoral thesis and Environmental and Natural Resource Economics for his post-doctoral research. Before joining the CSD team in 2006, he worked with The Energy and Resources Institute, New Delhi, as Associate Fellow. His research experience covers varied themes such as development induced displacement, the complex issues in the mining sector and the environment, and the development implications of climate change. He has published widely in national and international peer-reviewed journals on this topic. His latest book ‘‘Displacement, Impoverishment and Exclusion: Political Economy of Development in ’India’ had been co-published by Routledge with Aakar Books in 2020.
The other areas of his research interests include interrogating the equity aspects of development - access to education, health, livelihoods along several axes of marginality - caste, tribes, gender and minorities.
He is a skilled practitioner and a teacher of research methods with long experience designing and conducting the ICSSR research methodology workshops and courses for doctoral scholars at CSD. Dr ’Mishra’s research skills include impact assessment, economic analysis and statistics. He is an approved doctoral supervisor at the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Hyderabad. Prof Mishra is also part of the Editorial Committee of the Journal of Rural Development. He is an active participant and a member of several national and international academic associations.
His main research interests include development economics, environmental and natural resource economics, political economy, displacement and exclusion. His other areas of research interest include interrogating the equity aspects of development - access to education, health, and livelihoods along several axes of marginality - caste, tribes, gender and minorities.
- Mishra, Sujit Kumar and R Siva Prasad (2021): Displacement, Impoverishment and Exclusion: Political Economy of Development in India, UK: Routledge (For the GLOBAL Market).
- Mishra, Sujit Kumar and R Siva Prasad (2018): Displacement, Impoverishment and Exclusion: Political Economy of Development in India, Aakar Books, New Delhi (For the SOUTH-ASIAN Market).
- Mishra, Sujit Kumar, Prajna Paramita Mishra and S Vijay Kumar(ed.) (2013): Understanding Health,? New Delhi: GRP Publisher.
- Mishra, Sujit Kumar (2020): “When I Listened to the Voices of Development Communities” in Development, Environment and Migration Lessons for Sustainability (Eds.) S Irudaya Rajan and Debabrata Baral, London: Routledge, pp. 21-37.
- Swaminathan, Padmini., Sujit Kumar Mishra and SoumyaVinayan (2018): “Literacy among Worker Population - Does Gender Matter”? in Telangana Social Development Report 2018, Kalpana Kannabiran, Padmini Swaminathan, J. Jeyaranjan (Eds.), Hyderabad: Council for Social Development.
- Singh, Charu and Sujit Kumar Mishra (2018): “Assessing Institutionalised Capacities for Reducing the Impact of Development induced Displacement in India”, in Displacement, Impoverishment and Exclusion: Political Economy of Development in India (Eds.) Sujit Kumar Mishra and R Siva Prasad, New Delhi: Aakar Book, pp. 180-205.
- Mishra, Sujit Kumar (2017): “Dispossessed by Development: Mining, Habitations, Lives and Livelihoods,” in India Social Development Report 2016: Disability Rights Perspectives (Eds.) Kalpana Kannabiran and Asha Hans, New Delhi: Oxford University Press, pp. 239-251.
- Swaminathan, Padmini., Sujit Kumar Mishra and Soumya Vinayan (2017): “Telangana State: Geography, Economy and People”, in Telangana Social Development Report 2017, Kalpana Kannabiran, Padmini Swaminathan, J. Jeyaranjan (Eds.), Council for Social Development, Hyderabad, pp. 09-47.
- Mishra, Sujit Kumar (2017): “Compulsory Land Acquisition in Orissa: Policy and Praxis”, in Displacement, Resettlement and Rehabilitation in India: Issues, Challenges and Way Forward (Eds.) Sakarama Somayaji and Smrithi Talwar, South Asia: Routledge, pp. 75-90.
- Mishra, Sujit Kumar and Anand Akundy (2009): “Managing Resettlement, Decision Making and Policy: Experiences from Orissa”, in Global Interdependence and Decision Sciences (Eds.) M. Chandrasekhar and N. Bagchi, New Delhi: Macmillan Publishers India Limited, pp. 116-123.
- Mishra, Sujit Kumar (2008): “Explaining Vulnerability to Drought: Coping with Food Insecurity (A Study of Rengali Dam in Orissa)”, in Rethinking India’s Growth Strategy: Services Vs. Manufacturing (Eds.) R.K. Mishra and Nandita Sethi, 2008, New Delhi: Concept Publishers, pp. 466-475.
- Bhat, K S., S Vijaya Kumar, R Venkata Ravi, Sujit Kumar Mishra, D Sunder Raj and M Venkata Ramana (2006): “Tillers in Distress: A Pilot Study on Farmers Suicides in Andhra Pradesh”, in Undeserved Death: A Study of Farmers in Andhra Pradesh (2000- 2005) (ed.) K.S. Bhat and S. Vijaya Kumar, New Delhi: Allied Publisher, pp.01-45.
- Mishra, Prajna Paramita, Ch. Sravan, a , Lavanya Pisipati and Sujit Kumar Mishra (2024): "Examining the integration of women's issues in the corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategy of Coal India Limited," The Extractive Industries and Society, 17, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2214790X24000431
- Mishra, Prajna Paramita, Ch. Sravan and Sujit Kumar Mishra (2024): "Extracting empowerment: A critical review on violence against women in mining and mineral extraction," Energy Research & Social Science, 109, https://www.sciencedirect.com/ science/article/abs/pii/S2214629624000057?via%3Dihub
- Mishra, P. P., Sravan Chennuru and Sujit Kumar Mishra (2023): "Lacking among the Have-Nots: The Faring of the Locals in Extractive Industrial Setup," Economic and Political Weekly, 58 (15), 1-11.
- Mishra, Sujit Kumar and Anudeep Gujjeti (2023): "Research During COVID-19: Precision Versus Indication," Social Change, 53(01), 124-130.
- Mohanty, S, and Sujit Kumar Mishra (2023): “The Pandemic of Hunger: Testing Times in Bhoko,” Economic and Political Weekly, 58 (04), 65-66.
- Mishra, Sujit Kumar and Anudeep Gujjeti (2023): “Research During COVID-19: Precision Versus Indication,” Social Change, 53(01), 124–130.
- Mishra, P. P., Sravan Chennuru and Sujit Kumar Mishra (2023): “Lacking among the Have-Nots: The Faring of the Locals in Extractive Industrial Setup,” Economic and Political Weekly, 58 (15), 1-11.
- Mishra, Sujit Kumar and Soumya Vinayan (2022): “Thenga Pali Forest Vigilance and Traditional Customs,” Economic and Political Weekly, 57 (24), 73-74.
- Mohanty, S. and Sujit Kumar Mishra (2022): “Submergence Lost Space in Kalira Atita,” Economic and Political Weekly, 57 (06), 71-72.
- Mishra, Sujit Kumar (2021): “Notes from a Coal Site,” Economic and Political Weekly, 56 (20), 80-81.
- Mishra, Sujit Kumar (2021): “Combating the Twin Effects of Amphan and Covid-19 in Odisha: Understanding Coping Capacities and Strengthening Mechanisms,” Economic and Political Weekly, 56 (12), 1-11.
- Mishra, Sujit Kumar and Soumya Vinayan (2020): “Search for Her Space – The Story of a Thappad,” Economic and Political Weekly, 55 (28 & 29), 209-10.
- Mishra, Sujit Kumar (2020): “Beach Livelihoods of Odisha,” Economic and Political Weekly, 55 (10), 69-70.
- Mishra, Sujit Kumar (2019): “In the Time of Drought- Adaptation Decision Making in Sala Budha,” Economic and Political Weekly, 54 (29), 118-19.
- Mishra, Sujit Kumar (2018): “Drumming Up Change”, Economic and Political Weekly, 53(41), 104.
- Mishra, Sujit Kumar (2018) “Mining Closure and the Issue of Livelihood”, Economic and Political Weekly, 53(42), 26-32.
- Kannabiran, K., Sujit Kumar Mishra, Soumya Vinayan and Jafar K (2018): “Education and its Discontents: Barriers to Schooling among Denotified and Nomadic Communities”, Journal of Social Inclusion Studies, 04 (01), 80-103.
- Mishra, Sujit Kumar (2018): “Issues in Minority Development: A Study of Muslims in the newly formed Telangana State in India", Social Change, 48 (01), 36-58.
- Kannabiran, Kalpana., Sujit Kumar Mishra and S Surapa Raju (2017): “Investigating the Causes for Low Female Age at Marriage: The Case of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh", Economic and Political Weekly, 52(18), 57-65.
- Mishra, Sujit Kumar (2015): “Putting Value to Human Health in Coal Mining Region of India”, Journal of Health Management, 17 (03), 339-355.
- Mishra, Prajna Paramita and Sujit Kumar Mishra (2014): “Coal Mining and Local Livelihoods”, Economic and Political Weekly, 49 (08), 25-26.
- Akundy, Anand and Sujit Kumar Mishra (2012): “People’s Responses to the State Policies of Resettlement: The Case of Ultra Mega Power Plant in Orissa”, Journal of Socio-Economic Development, 14 (02), 202-214.
- Mishra, Sujit Kumar (2012): “Flood in Thailand: Assessing Institutionalized Capacities to Reduce Vulnerability”, Social Change, 43 (03), 411-423.
- Mishra, Sujit Kumar (2012): “Coping Mechanisms of People in Drought Prone Areas of Rural Orissa”, Journal of Rural Development, 31 (01), 61- 83.
- Mishra, Sujit Kumar and Niharranjan Mishra (2010): “Vulnerability and Adaptation Analysis in Flood Affected Areas of Orissa”, Social Change, 40 (02), 175- 193.
- Mishra, Sujit Kumar (2005): “Impact of Rehabilitation Policy and Low Crop Yield: A Case Study of Rengali Dam in Orissa, India”, Economic and Political Weekly, 40 (26), 2688- 2691.
- Mishra, Sujit Kumar (2002): “Development, Displacement and Rehabilitation of Tribal People: A Case Study of Orissa”, Journal of Social Science, 06 (03), 197-208.
- Mishra, Sujit Kumar (2002): “Displacement - A Major Trauma in the Name of Development”, Madhya Pradesh Journal of Social Science, 07 (01), 85-101.
- Mishra, Sujit Kumar (2002): “Equity Impact Assessment - A Case Study of a Resettled Village of Rengali Dam, Orissa”, Asian Economic Review, 44 (01), 165-176.
- Mishra, Sujit Kumar (2012): “Coal Mining Externalities on Human Life: A study of Basundhara Coal field in India”, CSD Working Paper, Vol.01. Hyderabad: Council for Social Development.
- Langa Dolma, M Sajid, Pullanna Vidyapogu and Sujit Kumar Mishra (2023): Statistical Bulletin on Improved Sanitation in the Southern States of India, CSD Bulletin No.03, Hyderabad: Council for Social Development.
- Sajid, M, Soumya Vinayan and Sujit Kumar Mishra (2022): Statistical Bulletin on Incidence of Child Marriage in South India, CSD Bulletin, No.02, Hyderabad: Council for Social Development
- Sajid, M; Soumya Vinayan and Sujit Kumar Mishra (2022): Statistical Bulletin on Overweight/ Obese Women in the Southern States of India, CSD Bulletin, No.01, Hyderabad: Council for Social Development
- Mishra, Sujit Kumar and S Surapa Raju (2016): “Investigating the causes for Low Female Age at Marriage and its relationship to Women’s Status: The Case of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh”, Development Dossier of Telangana, 2016. Hyderabad: Council for Social Development.
- Mishra, Sujit Kumar (2016): “Displacement and Rehabilitation in Singareni Collieries, Khammam, Telangana”, Development Dossier of Telangana, Hyderabad: Council for Social Development.
- Mishra, Sujit Kumar (2016): “Issues in Minority Development with special reference to Muslims in Telangana”, Development Dossier of Telangana, Hyderabad: Council for Social Development.
- Pratibha Ray, Yajnaseni [Yajnaseni: The Story of Draupadi] (Odia), Adya Prakashani, 2012 (76th ed.,),? 429 pp. ISBN: 978-81-908545-0-2, Social Change, https://doi.org/10.1177/00490857241254198
- Sai Priya Banoth and Sujit Kumar Mishra (2023). Book review: T. M. Krishna, “Sebastian and Sons: A brief History of Mrdangam Makers”, Social Change, 53 (04), pp. 585-588
- Mishra, S. K. (2022). Book review: Deepak K. Mishra and Pradeep Nayak (Eds), Land and Livelihoods in Neoliberal India. The Indian Journal of Labour Economics, 65 (01), pp. 221-223. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41027-022-00358-w.
- Mishra, S. K. (2018). Book review: K. B. Saxena (Ed.), Swaraj and the Reluctant State. Indian Journal of Human Development, 12(03), pp. 469–471. https://doi.org/10.1177/0973703018807281.
- “Nowhere to Go: How Exposure to Coal Dust has Impacted Lives in Odisha’s Mining Villages”, Down to Earth, (Co-authors ? Prajna Paramita Mishra and Ch Sravan), January 02, 2023.
- “Tribal Economy and Social Justice: Reflections on Adim Bichar, A Sambalpuri Film”, Smaranika, 133-35, 2023.
- Mishra, Sujit Kumar (2023): “Individual forest rights: How residents of this Sundargarh tribal village fight to protect their natural resources,” Down to Earth, October 16.
- Mishra, P. P., Sravan Chennuru and Sujit Kumar Mishra (2023): “Nowhere to Go: How Exposure to Coal Dust has Impacted Lives in Odisha’s Mining Villages,” Down to Earth, January 02.
- "Help-seeking in violence against women. OdishaPOST, April 21, 2024.
- Mishra, Sujit Kumar (2023): “Enabling informal livelihood earners in TS,” Telangana Today, 07 October.
- Mishra, Sujit Kumar and Pratyusna Patnaik (2023): “Getting Closer to the Goal,” Orissa Post, 28 September.
- Mishra, Sujit Kumar, Anudeep Gujjeti and M Sajid (2023): “Opinion: Towards Better Child Sex Ratio,” Telangana Today, 07 July.
- Mishra, Sujit Kumar and Anudeep Gujjeti (2023): “Rewind: March of Migrant Workers,” Telangana Today, 05 March.
- Mishra, Sujit Kumar (2022): “Age at Marriage in Odisha- a Data Point,” OrissaPost, October 9.
- Mishra, Sujit Kumar and S K Mishra (2022): “Institutional Interventions & Safe Motherhood in Odisha: Evidence from NFHS-5,” The Quint, March 31.
- Mishra, Sujit Kumar (2020): “Teenage Pregnancies and Motherhood in Telangana,” The Hans India, 27 December.
- Mishra, Sujit Kumar (2020): “Behavioural practices and Covid-19 in Telangana,” The Hans India, 25 November.
- Mishra, Sujit Kumar (2020): "Below the Radar," The Telegraph, 28 May.
- Mishra, Sujit Kumar (2020): “Yet to Reach Benchmark,” OrissaPost, 15 February.
- Mishra, Sujit Kumar (2018): “Education will Lead to Empowerment,” OrissaPost, February 23.
- Inaugural Address, Online Training Programme on “Effects of Extreme Climate events on Labour in Telangana: Challenges and Mitigation”, 27 September 2021 at CSD, Hyderabad in collaboration with VV Giri National Labour Institute, Noida.
- Panellist, Roundtable on the topic “Positioning and Framing Just Transition in the Indian Context” on October 8, 2021 organised by International Forum for Environment, Sustainability & Technology, Delhi.
- Chaired a session at the technical session titled “Cross-Cultural Dimensions of Well Being”, Research Conclave at the International Conference hosted by MNIT, Jaipur, Rajasthan, 7 January 2022.??
- Chaired the Technical Session titled “Changing Ecology of Global and Indian Capitalism: Labour, Accumulation and Finance”, 25th (Silver Jubilee) Annual Conference of Indian Political Economy Association (IPEA) hosted by School of Economics, University of Hyderabad, 24-25 March 2022.
- “Overcoming Institutional Barriers and Identifying the Career Opportunities” on 4 December 2021 in the webinar on the “Training on Capacity Building and Personality Development for Girls Students” organised by Sambalpur University in collaboration with the National Commission for Women.
- Lecture on the International Migration Day on 18 December 2021. The theme was Political Economy of Migration (Emerging Challenges and Opportunities) organised by Migration Watch India Focus Odisha Foundation and Gramothhan.
- “Doing Ethnography in Mining Sites” on 23 December 2021 in the workshop “Researching Everyday Lives” at Council for Social Development, Hyderabad.
- “Conducting Field Survey: Some Experience”, in Faculty Induction Programme ? VIII, The Human Resource Development Centre, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, 23 February 2022.
- Inaugural Address at the Virtual Faculty Development Programme organised by School of Commerce and Management of GH Raisoni University, Saikheda, Madhya Pradesh on 1 March 2022.
- “Data Collection-Designing Questionnaire” in the ICSSR Sponsored Research Methodology Workshop, Department of Economics, Banaras Hindu University, 6 March 2022.
- “Conducting Field Survey: Some Experiences” in the ICSSR Sponsored Research Methodology Workshop, Department of Economics, Banaras Hindu University, 6 March 2022.
Training Programme Attended
- Attended Gender Studies Workshop from January 2-8, 2013 at Hyderabad, India by Council for Social Development, Southern Regional Centre, Hyderabad, India.
- Attended An Introductory Course on Environmental and Natural Resource Economics from May 5-23, 2008 at Bangkok, Thailand by South Asian Network for Development and Environment Economics.
- Attended Environmental Economics and Policy Research and Writing Workshop from September 13- 17, 2008 at Kathamandu, Nepal by South Asian Network for Development and Environment Economics.
- Completed Research Methodology Course on Rural Development in 15-10-2004 conducted by Ministry of Rural Development, New Delhi.
- Completed Research Methodology Course for Rural Development Professional in 2000 held at National Institute of Rural Development, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad
Workshops Organized
- Course Director, ICSSR sponsored Research Methodology Course for Research Scholars (August 26 to September 5, 2019).
- Coordinated the Research Methodology course for the Post Graduate Diploma in Islam and Interfaith Relations - 2015-16, organised by Henry Martyn Institute- International Centre for Research, Interfaith Relations and Reconciliation, Hyderabad in association with? Council for Social Development, Hyderabad.
- Course Director, ICSSR sponsored Research Methodology Course (November 5-14, 2014).
- Evaluation and Mentoring of participants in the Advanced Writing Workshop (supported by ICSSR) from February 22 - March 7, 2013.
- Co-coordinator, Research Methodology Workshop (supported by ICSSR), January 21-30, 2013.
- Associated in Data Processing Course (supported by ICSSR) for Social Scientists (2008-09, 2009-10).
Awards and Fellowship
- Member of the Sustainable Development Goal ? Vision 2030 Team of the Government of Telangana (April 2021).
- Member of Board of Studies, Department of Economics, Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh (July 24, 2021).
- Academic Reviewer of Social Change (July 2021)
- Participated in Centre for Regional Studies DC Meeting, University of Hyderabad (September 6, 2021).
- Academic Reviewer of Journal of Asian and African Studies (October 2021)
- Ph.D Examiner and Member of Board of Examiners for Open Viva-voce Examinations Emmadi Naveen Kumar, School of Economics, University of Hyderabad.
- Member of the Training Quality Improvement Measures Committee on “Effective Research Proposal Writing for the faculty members of State Institutes of Rural Development and Extension Training Centres held on 26 November 2021 organised by NIRD & PR, Hyderabad.
- Ph.D Examiner and Member of Board of Examiners for Open Viva-voce Examinations Mr DologobindaKumbhar, Department of Economics, Sambalpur University, Odisha.
- Attended the meeting as a Member of the Corporate Advisory Board of School of Humanities (Social Sciences and Languages), Lovely Professional University, Punjab, 31 January 2022.
- Attended the Departmental Committee Meeting of Centre for Regional Studies, University of Hyderabad, 9 March 2022.
- Appointed as a member for Corporate Advisory Board - School of Humanities (Social Sciences) of Lovely Professional University.
- Supervised 04 PG students from leading Universities/Colleges ? University of Hyderabad, Madras School of Economics and Centre for Development Studies, Thiruvananthapuram - for summer internship.
- Supervised three Interns - Ms Anushka Sharma, Ms MeenuRana and Ms.AshuYadav (On the issue of Safe Motherhood in Telangana) during this period.
- ICSSR- CASS (Chinese Academy of Social Science) Bilateral Programme, 2014-15 for research on “Mining Closure and the Issue of Livelihood in China” at Institute of Industrial Economics, CASS, Beijing.
- ICSSR- NRCT (National Research Council of Thailand) research grant for 2010-11 for research on “Adaptation and Sustainable Livelihoods: Policy Implications in the Flood Affected Areas of Thailand” at Mahidol University, Bangkok.
- India Social Science Research Award 2009 by Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Digital Empowerment Foundation (DEF) and India Development Foundation for the research work on ‘Adaptation to Drought in Orissa: A Challenging Hydro-climate under thematic category Climate Change and Adaptation’.
- ICSSR Fellowship for doing Ph.D at University of Hyderabad (1997-2002).